Wybierz jesienią jacht do czarteru w sezonie 2023

Grecja, Chorwacja, Włochy, Turcja

Jesień, do sezonu żeglarskiego na Morzu Śródziemnym długie miesiące… Ten czas nie będzie się tak dłużył, kiedy już teraz zaplanujesz swój żeglarski rejs i zarezerwujesz czarter jachtu.  

Możemy już żeglować w ChorwacjiArmatorzy żeglarskich flot w Grecji, Chorwacji i na innych pięknych akwenach już są gotowi, aby rezerwować czarter na wiosnę, lato i jesień 2023. Zachęcam, by nie odkładać tego na później, bo wczesna rezerwacja po prostu się opłaca.

Korzyści z wczesnej rezerwacji czarteru jachtu:

  • Dla rannych ptaszków są atrakcyjne rabaty
  • Jest duży wybór jednostek – wśród nich możemy wybrać ulubiony model jachtu, albo po prostu w szerokim wyborze ofert zdecydować się na tę najkorzystniejszą.
  • Szansa wynegocjowania płatności w 3 ratach (zamiast dwóch)

Wczesną rezerwację czarteru jachtu rekomenduje szczególnie gdy planujesz:

  • Czarter dwutygodniowy lub dłuższy;
  • Rezerwację dwóch jachtów (lub więcej, co się zdarza, gdy chcemy żeglować w dużej grupie)
  • Czarter katamaranu w wakacje (chętnych żeglarzy jest zawsze więcej niż dostępnych jednostek)
  • Czarter w najpopularniejszych miejscach (na przykład w Chorwacji w rejonie Split, Trogir, Kastela)
  • Czarter tam, gdzie jest niewiele jachtów do czarteru (Kos lub Rodos w Grecji, Poros i Mykonos na Cykladach w Grecji, Czarnogóra…)

Często spotykam się z postawą oczekiwania na okazję last minute i wiarą, że rabaty last minute będą korzystniejsze, niż first minute. Zdarza się oczywiście, że armator mając już sprzedane 20 tygodni, wystawia po obniżonej cenie dwa-trzy ostatnie niesprzedane tygodnie, bo ocenia, że zasadniczy cel biznesowy osiągnął i stać go na zachętę w postaci dużego rabatu, by sprzedać szybko i zamknąć temat, ale trzeba mieć dużo szczęścia, by to był akurat ten termin, to miejsce i ta łódka (model, wielkość, wiek, układ koi…).

Dlaczego oferty czarteru last minute często rozczarowują?

  • w ofercie lat minute oferowane są mniej atrakcyjne modele/terminy;
  • brak ofert last minute na czarter dwutygodniowy;
  • nie ma wyboru, jest konieczność dostosowania się do oferty, podczas gdy znacznie lepiej czujemy się, gdy oferta jest dostosowana do naszych oczekiwań/potrzeb;
  • najatrakcyjniejsze oferty last minute wystawiane są z kilkudniowym wyprzedzeniem, za późno, by się zorganizować,
  • największe zniżki są w ofertach „one-way” – armator zamiast zapłacić za przeprowadzenie jachtu, znajduje klienta, przyciągając go zniżką 50 czy nawet 60%, w podczas takiego rejsu zmuszeniu jesteśmy pokonać często znaczną odległość, co może być kosztowne lub trudne, gdy zabraknie wiatru lub mocno wieje w twarz.

Najkorzystniejsze propozycje first minute

Ciekawy sposób działania ma mój partner w Grecji, współpracuję z nim od lat i to się nie zmienia. Ich rabat wczesna rezerwacja wynosi 25%. To bardzo dużo. Z takim rabatem czartery sprzedają się szybko i kiedy wiosną sprawdzam ich plan rezerwacji w poszukiwaniu wolnych jachtów – zazwyczaj nie znajduję, tego, czego szukam. Jednocześnie ręczę za jakość obsługi klienta i przygotowania jachtów u tego operatora. Przykładowe oferty ze zniżką 25% znaleźć można poniżej.

Zapraszam do bezpośredniego kontaktu, by w pełni skorzystać z zalet wczesnej rezerwacji czarteru jachtu!

Period: Jun 3, 2023 – Jun 10, 2023
Sun Odyssey 440 (Ermis )

Type: Sailing yacht

Year: 2020

Country: GREECE

Base: Lavrion Main Port

Length: 43 ft

Berths: 8

Cabins: 4

WC / Shower: 2

Price: 4,280.00 €

Early booking Discount 2023: -25.00%

Price: 3,210.00 €

Skipper licence required
Obligatory extras:

End cleaning 2023: 170.00 € per booking

Security deposit: 2,500.00 €


Navigation: Autopilot, Bow thruster, Chart plotter

Comfort: Bimini, Cockpit speakers, Dinghy, Electric toilet, Inverter, Refrigerator, Sprayhood, Teak deck, Wi-Fi & Internet

Entertainment: Radio-CD player

Period: Jun 3, 2023 – Jun 10, 2023
Bavaria 50 Cruiser (Agamemnon)

Type: Sailing yacht

Year: 2006

Country: GREECE

Base: Lavrion Main Port

Length: 51 ft

Berths: 10

Cabins: 5

WC / Shower: 3

Price: 4,410.00 €

Early booking Discount 2023: -25.00%

Price: 3,308.00 €

Skipper licence required
Obligatory extras:

End cleanning 2023: 200.00 € per booking

Security deposit: 3,000.00 €


Navigation: Autopilot, Bow thruster

Comfort: Bimini, Cockpit speakers, Dinghy, Electric toilet, Inverter, Refrigerator, Sprayhood, Teak deck, Wi-Fi & Internet

Entertainment: Radio-CD player

Period: Jun 3, 2023 – Jun 10, 2023
Sun Odyssey 479 (Athena)

Type: Sailing yacht

Year: 2016

Country: GREECE

Base: Lavrion Main Port

Length: 46 ft

Berths: 8

Cabins: 4

WC / Shower: 4

Price: 4,450.00 €

Early booking Discount 2023: -25.00%

Price: 3,338.00 €

Skipper licence required
Obligatory extras:

End cleaning 2023: 170.00 € per booking

Security deposit: 2,500.00 €


Navigation: Autopilot, Bow thruster, Chart plotter

Comfort: Bimini, Cockpit speakers, Dinghy, Electric toilet, Inverter, Refrigerator, Sprayhood, Teak deck, Wi-Fi & Internet

Entertainment: Radio-CD player

Period: Jun 3, 2023 – Jun 10, 2023
Bavaria 55 Cruiser (Apollon)

– Olympic Yachting

Type: Sailing yacht

Year: 2010

Country: GREECE

Base: Lavrion Main Port

Length: 55 ft

Berths: 10

Cabins: 5

WC / Shower: 3

Price: 5,650.00 €

Early booking Discount 2023: -25.00%

Price: 4,238.00 €

Skipper licence required
Obligatory extras:

End cleanning 2023: 200.00 € per booking

Security deposit: 3,000.00 €


Navigation: Autopilot, Bow thruster, Chart plotter

Comfort: Bimini, Cockpit speakers, Dinghy, Electric toilet, Inverter, Refrigerator, Sprayhood, Teak deck, Wi-Fi & Internet

Entertainment: Radio-CD player

Period: Jun 3, 2023 – Jun 10, 2023 (Advised to come back to base on Friday night)
Elan 45 (Neva)

Type: Sailing yacht

Year: 2003

Country: CROATIA

Base: Biograd/Marina Kornati

Length: 45 ft

Berths: 10 (8+2)

Cabins: 4

WC / Shower: 2

Price: 2,350.00 €

Early Booking II: -18.00%

Price: 1,927.00 €

more info

Skipper licence required
Obligatory extras:

Transit log : 180.00 € per booking

Tourist tax/per person: 1.30 € per person/day

Security deposit: 1,800.00 €


Navigation: Autopilot, Bow thruster, Chart plotter

Comfort: Bimini, Cockpit speakers, Dinghy, Refrigerator, Sprayhood

Entertainment: Radio-CD player

Period: Jun 3, 2023 – Jun 10, 2023
Sun Odyssey 45.2 (Szerenke )

Type: Sailing yacht

Year: 2002

Country: CROATIA

Base: Kaštel Gomilica/Marina Kaštela

Length: 46 ft

Berths: 10 (8+2)

Cabins: 4

WC / Shower: 2

Price: 2,300.00 €

2023 Early booking: -5.00%

Price: 2,185.00 €

more info

Skipper licence required
Obligatory extras:

Tourist tax: 1.33 € per person/day

Transit log standard: 185.00 € per booking

Security deposit: 1,500.00 €


Navigation: Autopilot, Bow thruster, Chart plotter, Chart plotter in cockpit

Comfort: Bimini, Cockpit cushions, Cockpit speakers, Dinghy, Inverter, Refrigerator, Sprayhood, Teak deck

Entertainment: Radio-CD player, TV

Period: Jun 3, 2023 – Jun 10, 2023
Elan 45 Impression (ANITA)

Type: Sailing yacht

Year: 2018

Country: CROATIA

Base: Split/ACI Marina Split

Length: 45 ft

Berths: 10 (8+2)

Cabins: 4

WC / Shower: 2

Price: 2,700.00 €

more info

Skipper licence required https://bit.ly/3FSGA9d
Obligatory extras:

Tourist tax/pax: 1.40 € per day

Charter pack (45-49 ft) includes: final cleaning, transit log, Wi-Fi no limit, dinghy with outboard engine & fuel (5 l), gas (2,5 kg), bed linen and towels (1 big, 1 small sized/person), VAT: 260.00 € per booking

Security deposit: 1,600.00 €


Navigation: Autopilot, Bow thruster, Chart plotter in cockpit

Comfort: Bimini, Dinghy, Holding tank, Outboard engine, Refrigerator, Sprayhood, Teak Cockpit, Wi-Fi & Internet

Entertainment: Radio-CD player

Period: Jun 3, 2023 – Jun 10, 2023

Type: Sailing yacht

Year: 2010 ; Main sail: 2017; Genoa: 2019

Country: CROATIA

Base: Sukošan/Marina D-Marin Dalmacija

Length: 47 ft

Berths: 9 (8+1)

Cabins: 4 + salon

WC / Shower: 3 /3

Price: 3,290.00 €

15% early booking discount: -15.00%

Price: 2,797.00 €

more info

Skipper licence required VHF license required.
Obligatory extras:

Tourist tax (person/day): 1.33 € per person

Transit log 43′-46′ (2023): 190.00 € per booking

Security deposit: 1,500.00 €


Navigation: Autopilot, Bow thruster, Chart plotter in cockpit

Comfort: Bimini, Dinghy, Refrigerator, Sprayhood

Entertainment: Radio-CD player, TV

Period: Jun 3, 2023 – Jun 10, 2023
Oceanis 45 (DIANA)

Type: Sailing yacht

Year: 2016

Country: CROATIA

Base: Šibenik/Marina D-Marin Mandalina

Length: 45 ft

Berths: 10 (8+2)

Cabins: 4

WC / Shower: 2

Price: 2,800.00 €
Skipper licence required
Obligatory extras:

Transit log: Final cleaning, Bed linen + ready-made beds, 2 towels per bedroom, Dishwashing detergent, kitchen sponge, 2 cleaning cloths, toilet paper, garbage bags, gas tank, 2L extra fuel for the dinghy engine: 250.00 € per booking

Tourist Tax (pro person): 1.50 € per person/day

Security deposit: 2,000.00 €


Navigation: Autopilot, Bow thruster, Chart plotter in cockpit

Comfort: Air condition, Bimini, Cockpit cushions, Cockpit speakers, Coffee maker, Dinghy, Heating, Holding tank, Ice maker, Inverter, Solar Panels, Sprayhood, Teak Cockpit

Entertainment: Radio-CD player

Period: Jun 3, 2023 – Jun 10, 2023 (Advised to come back to base on Friday night)
Elan 45 Impression (Sirius)

Type: Sailing yacht

Year: 2015

Country: CROATIA

Base: Biograd/Marina Kornati

Length: 45 ft

Berths: 10 (8+2)

Cabins: 4

WC / Shower: 2

Price: 3,350.00 €

Early Booking 1: -14.00%

Price: 2,881.00 €

more info

Skipper licence required
Obligatory extras:

Transit log : 180.00 € per booking

Tourist tax/per person: 1.30 € per person/day

Security deposit: 2,000.00 €


Navigation: Autopilot, Bow thruster, Chart plotter

Comfort: Bimini, Cockpit speakers, Dinghy, Refrigerator, Sprayhood

Entertainment: Radio-CD player

Period: Jun 3, 2023 – Jun 10, 2023
Bavaria C45 Holiday (BARBARA I)

Type: Sailing yacht

Year: 2018 Ice Machine, Coffee Machine, AC in the mess, Heating

Country: CROATIA

Base: Dubrovnik/Marina Frapa Dubrovnik

Length: 46 ft

Berths: 10

Cabins: 4

WC / Shower: 3

Price: 3,400.00 €

Special week discount: -15.00%

Price: 2,890.00 €

more info

Skipper licence required + SRC
Obligatory extras:

Outboard engine: included in price

Transit log: 250.00 € per booking

Deposit – Visa, MasterCard – credit card & Cash : 2,500.00 € per booking

Tourist Tax: 98.00 € per week

Security deposit: 2,500.00 €


Navigation: Autopilot, Bow thruster, Chart plotter

Comfort: Air condition, Bimini, Dinghy, Refrigerator

Entertainment: Radio-CD player

Period: Jun 3, 2023 – Jun 10, 2023 (Check Out onboard: Friday 16:00)

Dufour 430 Grand Large (Billywig)

Type: Sailing yacht
Year: 2020
Country: ITALY
Base: Porto Rotondo/Punta Nuraghe
Length: 43 ft
Berths: 8
Cabins: 4 (3 double +1 bunk beds)
WC / Shower: 2 Electric Toilets
Price: 3,071.00 €
Early Booking 2022-23: -15.00%
Price: 2,610.00 €
Skipper licence required
Obligatory extras:
La Maddalena Weekly Ticket Permit up to 50 feet: 75.00 € per week
Starter Pack 4: Welcome gift; Bed linen for each cabin; Bath Towel set (1 bath towel + 1 face towel for each crew member+ 1 beach towel); 1 Gas Cylinder; Final cleaning.: 375.00 € per booking
Security deposit: 3,500.00 €Equipment:
Navigation: Bow thruster, Chart plotter in cockpit
Sails: Lazy bag
Comfort: Bimini, Cockpit cushions, Cockpit speakers, Electric toilet, Electric winches, Holding tank, Inverter, Solar Panels, Sprayhood, Teak Cockpit

Period: Jun 3, 2023 – Jun 10, 2023 (Check Out onboard: Friday 16:00)

Dufour 430 Grand Large (Hermione)

Type: Sailing yacht
Year: 2019
Country: ITALY
Base: Portisco/Marina di Portisco
Length: 43 ft
Berths: 8
Cabins: 4 (3 double +1 bunk beds)
WC / Shower: 2 Electric Toilets
Price: 3,007.00 €
Early Booking 2022-23: -15.00%
Price: 2,556.00 €
Skipper licence required
Obligatory extras:
La Maddalena Weekly Ticket Permit up to 50 feet: 75.00 € per week
Starter Pack 4: Welcome gift; Bed linen for each cabin; Bath Towel set (1 bath towel + 1 face towel for each crew member+ 1 beach towel); 1 Gas Cylinder; Final cleaning.: 375.00 € per booking
Security deposit: 3,500.00 €Equipment:
Navigation: Bow thruster, Chart plotter in cockpit
Sails: Lazy bag
Comfort: Bimini, Cockpit cushions, Cockpit speakers, Dinghy, Electric toilet, Electric winches, Inverter, Solar Panels, Sprayhood, Teak Cockpit

Period: Jun 3, 2023 – Jun 10, 2023 (Check Out onboard: Friday 16:00)

Dufour 460 Grand Large (At Last)

Type: Sailing yacht
Year: 2016
Country: ITALY
Base: Portisco/Marina di Portisco
Length: 46 ft
Berths: 8
Cabins: 4 (4 double)
WC / Shower: 4 Electric Toilets
Price: 3,096.00 €
Early Booking 2022-23: -15.00%
Price: 2,632.00 €
Skipper licence required
Obligatory extras:
La Maddalena Weekly Ticket Permit up to 50 feet: 75.00 € per week
Starter Pack 4: Welcome gift; Bed linen for each cabin; Bath Towel set (1 bath towel + 1 face towel for each crew member+ 1 beach towel); 1 Gas Cylinder; Final cleaning.: 375.00 € per booking
Security deposit: 3,500.00 €Equipment:
Navigation: Chart plotter in cockpit
Comfort: Bimini, Cockpit cushions, Cockpit speakers, Dinghy, Electric toilet, Electric winches, Holding tank, Inverter, Sprayhood

Period: Jun 3, 2023 – Jun 10, 2023 (Return on Friday at 4pm and overnight on board)

Oceanis 45 (Soffia)

Type: Sailing yacht
Year: 2019
Country: ITALY
Base: Furnari/Marina Portorosa
Length: 45 ft
Berths: 8
Cabins: 4
WC / Shower: 2
Price: 2,950.00 €
Early booking 2023: -10.00%
Price: 2,655.00 €
Skipper licence required
Obligatory extras:
End cleaning+gas consumption: 210.00 € per booking
Bed linen and bath towels+mattress cover+blanket sanitized / per person: 25.00 € per person
Security deposit: 3,000.00 €Equipment:
Navigation: Autopilot, Bow thruster, Chart plotter, Radar
Comfort: Sprayhood, Teak Cockpit

Period: Jun 3, 2023 – Jun 10, 2023 (Check out is on Friday by 5PM – clients will then sleep on board and disembark Saturday no later than 8.30AM)

Dufour 460 (Neptune Planet)

– Sea Folk Yacht Charter

Type: Sailing yacht
Year: 2016
Country: ITALY
Base: Marsala Marina
Length: 46 ft
Berths: 10 (8+2)
Cabins: 4
WC / Shower: 4
Price: 3,000.00 €
Early booking discount: -10.00%
Price: 2,700.00 €
Skipper licence required
Obligatory extras:
Final cleaning 4 cab: 150.00 € per booking
Aegadian Islands Permit 70 mandatory: 70.00 € per week
Security deposit: 3,000.00 €Equipment:
Navigation: Autopilot, Bow thruster, Chart plotter
Sails: Lazy bag
Comfort: Bimini, Cockpit cushions, Cockpit speakers, Dinghy, Holding tank, Inverter, Sprayhood
Entertainment: Radio-CD player

Period: Jun 3, 2023 – Jun 10, 2023 (Check out is on Friday by 5PM – clients will then sleep on board and disembark Saturday no later than 8.30AM)

Dufour 460 (Fun Planet)

Type: Sailing yacht
Year: 2017
Country: ITALY
Base: Marsala Marina
Length: 46 ft
Berths: 10 (8+2)
Cabins: 4
WC / Shower: 4
Price: 3,100.00 €
Early booking discount: -10.00%
Price: 2,790.00 €
Skipper licence required
Obligatory extras:
Final cleaning 4 cab: 150.00 € per booking
Aegadian Islands Permit 70 mandatory: 70.00 € per week
Security deposit: 3,000.00 €Equipment:
Navigation: Autopilot, Bow thruster, Chart plotter
Comfort: Bimini, Cockpit cushions, Cockpit speakers, Dinghy, Holding tank, Inverter, Sprayhood
Entertainment: Radio-CD player

Period: Jun 3, 2023 – Jun 10, 2023 (Return on Friday at 4pm and overnight on board)

Bavaria Cruiser 46 (8+2 berths) (Annù)

Type: Sailing yacht
Year: 2016
Country: ITALY
Base: Palermo/Marina Villa Igiea
Length: 46 ft
Berths: 8 (8+2)
Cabins: 4
WC / Shower: 3
Price: 3,105.00 €
Early booking 2023: -10.00%
Price: 2,795.00 €
Skipper licence required
Obligatory extras:
End cleaning+gas consumption: 210.00 € per booking
Bed linen and bath towels+mattress cover+blanket sanitized / per person: 25.00 € per person
Transit Log Egadi: 70.00 € per week
Security deposit: 3,000.00 €Equipment:
Navigation: Bow thruster, Chart plotter, Radar
Comfort: Bimini, Dinghy, Sprayhood

Period: Jun 3, 2023 – Jun 10, 2023 (Return on Friday at 4pm and overnight on board)

Bavaria Cruiser 46 (Roberta)

Type: Sailing yacht
Year: 2016
Country: ITALY
Base: Salerno/Marina d’Arechi
Length: 45 ft
Berths: 8
Cabins: 4
WC / Shower: 3
Price: 3,105.00 €
Early booking 2023: -10.00%
Price: 2,795.00 €
Skipper licence required
Obligatory extras:
End cleaning+gas consumption: 210.00 € per booking
Bed linen and bath towels+mattress cover+blanket sanitized / per person: 25.00 € per person
Security deposit: 3,000.00 €Equipment:
Navigation: Bow thruster, Chart plotter, Radar
Comfort: Bimini, Dinghy, Sprayhood, Teak Cockpit

Period: Jun 3, 2023 – Jun 10, 2023 (redelivery the day before within 18:00 + overnight on board)

Sun Odyssey 449 (Ambra Blu – Standard line)

Type: Sailing yacht
Year: 2019
Country: ITALY
Base: Furnari/Marina Portorosa
Length: 45 ft
Berths: 8 +2 saloon
Cabins: 4
WC / Shower: 2
Price: 3,190.00 €
Early Booking: -10.00%
Price: 2,871.00 €
Skipper licence required
Obligatory extras:
Starter Pack 4cab (Welcome gift; Bed linen in each cabin); Bath Towel set(1 bath towel + hand towel for each crew member); 1 Gas Bottle; Final cleaning; Outboard Engine): 450.00 € per booking
Mooring on first and last day in our marina: included in price
Security deposit: 3,500.00 €Equipment:
Navigation: Autopilot, Bow thruster
Sails: Lazy bag
Comfort: Cockpit cushions, Dinghy, Outboard engine, Refrigerator

Period: Jun 3, 2023 – Jun 10, 2023 (At the end of charter yacht must delivered to marina latest on Friday 17.00hr)
Bavaria 46 Cruiser (Zulu)

– Imbat Yacht

Type: Sailing yacht

Year: 2015

Country: TURKEY

Base: Fethiye/Marina Imbat

Length: 47 ft

Berths: 8

Cabins: 4

WC / Shower: 3

Price: 3,900.00 €

Early booking 2023: -8.00%

Price: 3,588.00 €

Skipper licence required
Obligatory extras:

Charter Package (includes: Transitlog (Turkey), end cleaning, bed line, dinghy, not included towels): 250.00 € per booking

Security deposit: 2,000.00 €


Navigation: Autopilot, Bow thruster, Chart plotter in cockpit

Comfort: Bimini, Cockpit cushions, Cockpit speakers, Electric toilet, Refrigerator, Sprayhood, Teak deck

Period: Jun 3, 2023 – Jun 10, 2023 (checkout: Friday by 18:0h latest)
Bavaria 46 Cruiser (AMSTERDAM)

Type: Sailing yacht

Year: 2020

Country: TURKEY

Base: Fethiye/Yacht Classic Hotel

Length: 47 ft

Berths: 9

Cabins: 4

WC / Shower: 3

Price: 4,290.00 €

Early booking: -10.00%

Price: 3,861.00 €

Skipper licence required
Obligatory extras:

End cleaning: 100.00 € per booking


Transit Log: 100.00 € per booking

Security deposit: 2,000.00 €


Navigation: Autopilot, Bow thruster, Chart plotter

Comfort: Bimini, Cockpit cushions, Dinghy, Inverter, Refrigerator, Solar Panels, Teak Cockpit

Entertainment: Diving equipment


Period: Jun 3, 2023 – Jun 10, 2023 (Disembarkation time-Friday at 17h 00 (overnight on board until 08:30 Saturday))
Hanse 458 (Celine 1)

– Sailera Yacht Charter

Type: Sailing yacht

Year: 2019

Country: TURKEY

Base: Marmaris/Netsel Marmaris Marina

Length: 46 ft

Berths: 8 (10 berths with Convertable Saloon Table)

Cabins: 4

WC / Shower: 2

Price: 4,360.00 €

Early Booking: -10.00%

Price: 3,924.00 €

Skipper licence required
Obligatory extras:

Pack Standard Charter, boats between 42 and 46 ft (Includes Transitlog for Turkish territorial waters, final cleaning, bed linens,2 x gas bottles, towels, toilet paper, kitchen roll and cloths, sponge, dish soap, gel hand soap, welcome drink): 250.00 € per booking

Security deposit: 2,500.00 €


Navigation: Autopilot, Bow thruster, Chart plotter

Sails: Lazy bag

Comfort: Bimini, Cockpit speakers, Dinghy, Inverter, Refrigerator, Sprayhood